Hey Friend!

Hey Friend…I appreciate you sharing about the trials of childhood. Rejection/abandonment were my issues. I was a friendly, sensitive child who made friends easily. In my mind, every friend would be a friend forever. So, when a friend moved away or I was not chosen to play dodge ball or I did not get a “I like you, do you like me yes or note love note” or anything of the sort, I would be emotionally distressed.

As a child, I did not know how to communicate I felt abandoned, rejected, and overlooked.  Therefore, those same feelings became adult issues! As an adult, I remained friendly and ready to engage with others, but I did so cautiously and with apprehension.  I built up walls to protect my heart.  Buried in my soul, I expected people to leave, to be disappointed or to be overlooked.

But as I heal, and I grow. I realize relationships and people are seasonal. In the same way, as we cannot control the seasons of nature, we cannot control who enters and who exit our lives. We eat the ripen fruit of the relationship in its season. While some seasons of friendship and their fruit are short lived others continue to thrive season after season with delectable fruit. The environment must have favorable conditions for maximum growth. Every friendship or relationship is a teacher introducing us to knowledge not previously known about ourselves, other people and how we interact with the world around us.  

So now, I am free to say hey friend without the fear of losing because it was never about the friends, it was always about me. What I thought I was losing; friendship, loyalty and commitment was never lost because it is who I am… Hey Friend!


Sweetly Perfectly


You Are What You Think