You Are What You Think

Emotions are a natural and essential part of our human experience. Knowing how to identify and communicate your emotions are vital in developing emotional well-being. Our emotions and behaviors are an indication of what we are thinking. Thoughts are the words or self- talk we have with ourselves. Certainly, thoughts can produce emotions and behavior. In many cases, when we see the outward expression of behaviors, whether positive or negative, the behavior is the result of our self-talk or words spoken to us. For example, I was a cute, chubby brown girl who grew up in a home where my parents affirmed my beauty, intelligence, and creativity. Though it hurt to be teased at school, my identity was framed by my parent’s words. I did not allow the teasing to change my identity. In this order, thoughts (affirming words), emotions (confidence) and behavior (bravery) were a solid foundation to build well into my adult years. Emotions and behaviors are directly linked to both self -talk and words spoken to us. Self- talk about fear produces thoughts of procrastination, anxiety, etc. On the other hand, self- talk of confidence and hope produce courage. We become our thoughts! 

Tips to Managing Your Emotions

1.      Pay attention to your thoughts/self-talk.

2.      Identify your emotions.

3.      Engage in a positive activity that will help to express alleviate your emotions such as journaling, talking to a trusted person or physical activity

4.      Build positive emotions and self-talk.

5.      Learn from the thoughts/self-talk so you can build affirming emotions and self-talk

6.      Do not ignore your emotions whether negative or positive. Your emotions are connected to your thoughts.

 Let’s Talk!

Are your current thoughts hindering your progress?

What are your current emotions?

How are you expressing your emotions?


Hey Friend!


The Best Choice