Helping the Success of Your Life… Practical. Relevant. Effective.

The Vision

We envision people who are empowered to live thriving, productive lives in a manner

that serves them well and impacts the world with destiny and purpose!

Tonya Chandler Unlimited is a Lifestyle Enhancement business group designed to enrich the lives of individuals who are committed to the fulfilment of their personal purpose. TCU business group is composed of four distinctive service offerings whose approach is practical, relevant, and effective. We have been fortunate to develop resources and facilitate platforms such as Life Notes Blog and Publishing (Writing Coach), Journey to Wellness Seminars and Daniel Resources Consulting (Business Coaching).

One of our greatest passions is to inspire the lives of individuals by helping them to create and thrive in a purpose centered life. Let Us Inspire Your Purpose!

Welcome to Tonya Chandler Unlimited!


Meet Tonya!

Entrepreneur| Author| Counselor| Servant Leader

Tonya is not a novice when it comes to entrepreneurial pursuits. Since 1996, she has forged her path in the arena of small business development and creation. Her years of experience and diligent exploration has evolved into the emergence of Tonya Chandler Unlimited, LLC. TCU is a lifestyle enhancement business group designed to enrich the lives of individuals who are committed to the fulfillment of their personal purpose. in the areas of publishing, personal development, and business development.

Poetically, words harken to Tonya’s command. She is the published author of Jericho Rose: An Expression of Life and Love and the copy editor of other published works. Graced to create, Tonya is the CEO/Publisher of Life Notes Publishing. Currently, Tonya coaches an elite collective, of first-time authors who are courageous enough to share their stories of wisdom and redemption, with the poetic precision that preach a sermon down the path of becoming published authors. Tonya is also an inspirational blogger. Her Life Notes blog communicates the black and white of truth and wisdom in a colorful world.

Professionally, Tonya is an alumna of South Carolina State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology. She has an earned master's degree of Professional Counseling from Grand Canyon University and is currently studying for her licensure. As a life coach, Tonya has coached people to their place of purpose and alignment.

As a servant leader, Tonya has served in leadership with Pastor Patrick and Prophetess Mary Pinckney for 22 years at Life Changing World Outreach Ministries.

Tonya is not only awe-struck, but humbled that God in His Sovereignty has created her to do such things! Her life is the Lord’s doing and it is marvelous in her eyes!

Welcome to Tonya Chandler Unlimited!