Hello Spring

Spring is a time of growth and the blooming of seeds planted in a previous season. Springtime creates a delicate blend with the chill of winter and the warmth of summer. In this springtime blend, a seasonal canopy (environment) is resurrected in a persuasive manner taunting the handsome beauty of dormant trees and flowers to reveal their hidden treasures. Just as we see in nature, all of creation responds to the call in its season, we are called to respond in our season. Your seeds of purpose and vision have been sown. Your blossoms of promise are on display. The atmosphere is right for you to produce and to create. It’s amazing how seeds and blossoms are designed to produce fruit. Your level of preparation and diligence will determine the quality of your fruit. If your preparation has been attentive with the utmost diligence and consistency, you will yield good fruit. If your preparation has been sparse, lacking diligence, your fruit will be meager.

God is a masterful gardener. He is always pruning, watering, and tilling the soil of our lives so we can produce more good fruit.  Contrary to popular belief,  the reward is not at the end, the reward is in the process. The fruit of who you are is to be shared with others. What kind of fruit are you producing in your season? Will you respond to the call? You have an audience who are hungry for your fruit and thirsty for your revelation. Many are called, but few are chosen. The chosen are chosen because they answered the call. Will you answer the call in your season? Hello Spring!


The Beauty of You


Just Me and My Pen