Just Me and My Pen

It has been a long-fought journey to get to just me and my pen… so quiet, so serene, like time stopped for just me and my pen.  In this moment, I am aligned with my breathe and my heartbeat, my mind is at peace. My mind is beautiful. I can hear the echo and movement of my own thoughts. As I write, my thoughts are emptying on sheets of paper…a sigh of relief and release as I hear my lungs inhale exhale. So relaxing, nowhere to be in a timely fashion, not on schedule to the place of my yes, no mentoring the lives of others, no branding or CEO behaviors, just me and my pen.  Complete hush and ease are my reward for all I have done and have become. I have earned this gift of quiet calm, just me and my pen, this moment, so divine, just me and my pen.  This is what I need, just me and my pen. For as long as this moment shall last, I will not look, schedule, or plan for the next. I will rest in and relish this moment I do have, just me and my pen-


Hello Spring


Soldier Undaunted