Life Notes

I am student of life. Life has given me many opportunities, wanted or not, to learn. I take notes, written notes, mental notes, soul notes, I take notes! I took notice when I realized that these lessons were frequent, unrelenting and did not discriminate. Noteworthy treasures were being agitated from the deep soil of my life to the surface of my life: fortitude, wisdom, brilliance, focus, freedom, creativity, resilience, faith, peace and hope to name a few.

I discovered a priceless, rare place, a place that could never be created again. I found the struggle, in the process, in the pain, in the tears, in the rejection, in the disappointments, in the smile, in the joy, in the confidence, in the peace, in the questions, in the answers…I found TONYA!. 

My life is a well written, unscripted journey that only I could live! So from one student to the next student, from one warrior to the next warrior, Tonya is sharing her Life Notes with you! When you learn well, you teach well because students become teachers!


These Ladies


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